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Animal body

Fish, birds, reptiles, and mammals are four types of animals that have skeletons inside their bodies. The skeletons of a perch, a chicken, a crocodile, and a cow are shown.

Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
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Skeletal System  (Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11))
Art:Fish, birds, reptiles, and mammals are four types of animals that have skeletons inside their bodies. The skeletons of a perch, a chicken, a crocodile, and a cow are shown.The collection of bones in an animal's body is called a skeletal system, or skeleton. Mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish have skeletal systems. Insects and shellfish do not have skeletons inside their bodies. Instead they have hard, outside coverings called exoskeletons. The skeletons ...

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